Daniela Chana, born in Vienna in 1985, studied at the University of Vienna. Her diploma thesis in Comparative Literature, she wrote in 2010 about the influence of Dadaism and Erika Mann’s Pfeffermühle on political cabaret in Switzerland. In 2012 she received her PhD with a thesis on crime and morality about Patricia Highsmith, Simona Vinci and Liliana Cavani. Her scholarly interests include cabaret and American representatives of confessional poetry, as well as singer-songwriters of the 20th century. In the 2015/16 academic year, she held a lectureship on poetry and songwriting at the University of Salzburg. Her book debut, the poetry collection Sagt die Dame (Limbus Verlag), was one of the poetry recommendations of the German Academy for Language and Poetry in 2019. This was followed in 2021, again with Limbus, by the story collection Neun seltsame Frauen, which earned Chana a nomination on the shortlist of the Austrian Book Prize.