• 2022-06-18, 7:00 PM
A transnational, cosmopolitan, and pluralistic urbanity has emerged – one that competes with the (post-)colonial order and inherited values. This development is transforming the perception of the continent: The diaspora now increasingly takes on Africa in Afrofuturist (as opposed to Afropessimist) ways. The new urbanity is a place where religion, languages, identity, and gender are constantly being reinvented, a melting pot of art and pop culture. In this place, the usual dichotomy is challenged. Today, it’s easier to travel to Guangzhou or Dubai than to Paris, Berlin or Brussels.
The event will be interpreted English-to-German, and partly French-to-German.
SA 18.6. | 19.00 | Studio | 14/9 €
With Kareyce Fotso Cameroon | Ronny Elange Cameroon/Germany | Elom20ce Togo | Ngwatilo Mawiyoo Kenya | Elisio Macamo Mozambique/Switzerland | Nick Makoha Uganda/UK | Theresa Lola Nigeria/UK | Music: Kareyce Fotso Cameroon | Batila & the Dreambus Congo/Germany
Moderation: Jumoke Adeyanju and Alexandra Antwi-Boasiako
Curation: Fiston Mwanza Mujila
Project leaders: Acèle Nadale
with Mwanza Mujila, Fiston, Fotso, Kareyce, Elom 20ce, Mawiyoo, Ngwatilo, Macamo, Elisio, Makoha, Nick, Lola , Theresa, Batila, Elange, Ronny
THE DREAM FACTORY – A poetic cartography of Africa’s new urbanity is kindly supported by the British Council Berlin and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
The poesiefestival berlin is a project of the Haus für Poesie in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste, with support from the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.