Himali Singh Soin is a writer and artist living in both London and Delhi. She uses metaphors from space and the natural environment to construct imaginary cosmologies of interference and entanglement. In doing so, she reflects on ecological loss and the loss of home, seeking shelter somewhere in the radicality of love. She is part of the multimedia performance duo Hylozoic/Desires, whose work combines experimental poetry and original music to evoke Borgesian speculative futures and multiverses. They aspire to a flat ontological ether in which all forms of life – stone, spirit, machine, or human – are equal. They turn the linear notion of time and space on its head to create divergences that evoke wonder. H/D’s research revolves around (non)place and history as resources to learn from the multiple materialities of contemporary existence. They are concerned with the (poly)rhythms of love and the bea(s)t of belonging. H/D use metaphor as an event, an attraction that binds otherwise distant entities together.