Matthias Rheinheimer, born in 1981 in Berlin, studied acting at the Hochschule in Leipzig and with Prof. Lutz Lansemann in Berlin. He had his first engagement at the Volksbühne, where he worked with Andreas Merz, Frank Castorf and Jerome Savary. This was followed by a permanent engagement at the Theater Magdeburg. He also performed at the Philharmonie Berlin, the Theaterdiscounter, the Bühne Baden and the Theater in Osnabrück, among others. In film and television, he was seen in Brecht by Heinrich Breloer and in the Netflix production Dogs of Berlin, among others. He also voiced in various radio plays. Having already appeared on stage in Leopold von Verschuer’s production of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitmann in 2019, Was will Niyazi in der Naunynstrasse is now his second work at poesiefestival berlin.